Border Kolie Favourite House Plants That Do Not Need A Lot Of Water

If you are looking for house plants that do not require a lot of water, there are many different types to choose from. These include Dracaenas, Snake plants, Scheffleras, and Christmas cactus, just to name a few.


If you have a large house and want to add some greenery, Dracaenas are an excellent choice. These succulents thrive in a well-drained soil with organic matter and a high amount of moisture. To grow this plant, dig a hole twice the size of the root ball and slightly deeper. After planting, fill the hole with soil. Press the soil around the roots of the dracaena plant.

Plant a dracaena in a pot that has a drainage hole. If the soil is not well-drained, the plant might require more water. If this happens, plant it in a pot with more drainage holes. Also, place it in a room that gets bright indirect light. If you do not have a window in the room, place it in a semi-shade area. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves of the dracaena.


If you’re concerned about overwatering your Schefflera house plant, don’t be. Overwatering can cause serious problems for your plant. You’ll know if you’ve overwatered your plant by its signs, such as yellow leaves or droopy leaves. Watering too much means the soil is saturated and root systems can’t get enough oxygen.

When growing Schefflera plants, be sure to keep a consistent humidity level in your room. A humidifier can be helpful in maintaining a consistent humidity level. Scheffleras prefer moist, rich soil that drains well. They can tolerate both acidic and slightly alkaline soils. They can grow in both full sun and partial shade.

Schefflera plants need to be watered on a weekly basis during their growing season. The soil needs to stay moist to the touch, but not so wet that it’s soggy. Watering too much will lead to pathogens and poor plant performance. In addition, too much water can cause the leaves to curl.

Snake plant

Snake plants are low maintenance and require little care to thrive. They do best in a shady spot or in partial sunlight. When moving them to a brighter area, do so slowly. They do not need a lot of water, but they do require a well-drained pot.

You can propagate the snake plant by cutting off a leaf and putting it in water. Then, you need to wait for the roots to form. Make sure to place the leaf in a well-drained pot with a hole to drain. You can grow snake plants indoors or outdoors. Their low water requirements and relatively simple maintenance make them a great choice for beginners.

Snake plants are great for small rooms or offices as they are slow-growing compared to other house plants. A large one can grow to 5 feet in a few years, but smaller ones will only grow to about 4 inches. However, some varieties can reach three feet in height.

Christmas cactus

If you’re looking for a house plant that doesn’t require a lot of water, try the Christmas cactus. The Christmas cactus is native to Brazil and thrives in bright light. It requires only moderate watering, but you should avoid over-watering it, or it may die.

Aside from watering every few days, Christmas cactus also thrive in a humid environment. While this is not necessary for a tropical plant, it’s essential in dry climates. If you don’t want your Christmas cactus to die, place gravel and water under its pot to provide humidity. Another option is misting it with a spray bottle.

The Christmas cactus is a type of hybrid cactus, so the plant may resemble one parent plant more than the other. The flower color can vary greatly, so be sure to check the plant’s information before buying it.

Weeping fig

A weeping fig is a low-water house plant that prefers well-draining soil. Its roots should be planted at least 3 inches deep in soil. The plant does not need much fertilization, but if you do use fertilizer, dilute it at least 50%. It also does not need to be repotted very often. However, if you are worried about its slow growth, you can repot it occasionally during the winter or spring. If you decide to repot it, use a general-purpose potting soil.

It may take two to three weeks for the weeping fig to adapt to its new home. During this transition period, its foliage may turn yellow and droop. During this time, many owners panic, assuming their plant is suffering from dehydration and is not getting enough water. This is often a false alarm and the root problem is overwatering.